
Echte Leiders Dansen
Zonnewijzerstraat 10
2018 Antwerpen (België)

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To me, Gil is a top coach par excellence! I myself am an experienced coach and over the years I have become very selective in choosing a mentor who can (may) confront and challenge me. With Gil, my critical mindset immediately fell away. She combines her fine empathy with tons of experience and great analytical skills, and she very quickly puts her finger on your development area. What I appreciate enormously is her gentle strength or powerful gentleness, always lovingly confronting and respectfully challenging, sharp but never brusque. Gil does not shy away from confrontation and with a gentle but firm hand, repeatedly brought me to the points or blind spots where my development lay. I was able to learn a lot with and through her wisdom and still cherish these insights today by applying them in my daily life and practice.

San Vangenechten
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